The Boswells

The Boswells

Thursday, May 3, 2012


May is an exciting, but exhausting month. So many end of the year activities jam packed into three weeks- it's enough to make me want to scream...if I had the energy! Surprisingly, I was ahead of schedule last week. We were going on a mini vacation to the beach. I had my lesson plans and newsletter completed early because I knew we had two field trips, one on Thursday and one on Friday. Yes, I said two, and yes, they were in one week! I wouldn't have survived both field trips anyway, so I took Friday and Monday off.

What was supposed to be a relaxing weekend at the beach turned out to be not so relaxing. The Thursday before I left, I put in my transfer request to move back to third grade. I was nervous and anxiously waited for a response all weekend. I knew we still had one more opening at my school, but that didn't guarantee that I would get it! I have enjoyed teaching fifth grade, and I learned so much from this experience. I also loved my team! They were so welcoming and helpful the whole year through. The fact of the matter was that I just wasn't happy. Third grade is my passion, and I missed not being able to teach all the fun, cutesy poo stuff. I know now that I definitely don't want to teach anything higher than third grade, but I never would have never known had I never tried. As my grandpa says, "If you always do what you have always done, then you will always have what you have always had." Wise words to live by, Grandpa!

We left the beach early on Sunday. We had too much to do to stay another night! We needed Monday to run errands and prepare for the week. Monday afternoon I finally received my answer. I will officially be a third grade teacher next year! I am over the moon thrilled!

This week I have been swamped and exhausted. The kids have checked out. They are over it and so am I. It's just funny how I couldn't think of another thing I had to last week, and now this week, there are about a thousand things I wish I would have done last week! I actually worked an 11 hour day this week (6:30-5:30)! Whew! The science fair kicked my booty, but it was a success! My students are amazing! I am constantly astounded by their creativity and knowledge! Some even said this was the best science fair yet! This was my first and last science fair, thankfully! Glad I went out with a bang! And tomorrow we have spring festival. I may find a shady spot under a tree and take a nap ;)


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