The Boswells

The Boswells

Sunday, July 29, 2012

And It Starts

Summer is almost over. Counting today, I only have 6 more vacation days. Tomorrow and Tuesday I have a math workshop, then three days off. Next week, I have only Monday and Tuesday off. I have a mentor luncheon and meeting Wednesday. School officially starts for me on the 9th. Where did July go? Summer always flies by! Thankfully, my classroom is finished- I'll post pictures soon! I'm especially excited this year because I'll be teaching third again!

The house is coming along beautifully, but sadly, we found out last week that we will be closing a week later. This is going to be somewhat difficult considering this family does not miss football games. We close on Wednesday August 29th, which will be my second week of school with kiddos. That Saturday is the Auburn vs. Clemson game in Atlanta. It's going to be chaotic and we will both be running around like crazy people, but it will be so worth it when we move into that brand new house.

 Landscaping completed!

 Dining Room

 Living Room




 Master Bedroom and Sitting Room

 Master Bath with two sinks!

And a dream closet!

As for kickball, the team pulled through and got a win while we were gone! We were so excited! We might just make it to the playoffs after all! This Saturday, we are having a team celebration/get together at the lake to celebrate! Enjoy your week! I can't believe I have to get up early tomorrow :/


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