The Boswells

The Boswells

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Over the River and Through the Woods...

to Grandmother's House We Go! Our plan was to drive to my Grandma's house after breakfast Christmas day. Yes, we did look at the weather report and we knew there was a chance of snow. My grandmother lives in the tiny, sleepy town of Sand Rock, Alabama. Don't try to find it on the map; you won't be successful!

South of Birmingham it started to sleet on us. As we gradually progressed north, the sleet turned into full on snow. The roads became very slushy and to be honest, I was very nervous and scared about driving in those conditions.

Snow in Gadsden

Getting to Grandma's was difficult. We were alerted by Billy Bob, the emergency volunteer firefighter, that we would have to take a detour because a person had skidded off the road into the ditch literally a mile from my grandmother's house. We then we went over the river and through the woods until we finally arrived at grandma's house.

After opening gifts, and watching the weather report, we realized that it would be best not to spend the night as we had planned because it was getting down to 27 that night, and everything was going to freeze over. There was no telling when we would get off that mountain and back to Auburn. We were disappointed and I hated to disappoint my grandmother, but she also said that it was probably best we left considering the State Trooper's had closed all roads north of the Coosa River.

We made it home safely last night. It snowed/sleeted on us the entire way back! How special that our first married Christmas was also a white Christmas! It was even more special because we ate Christmas dinner at the Waffle House! And Grandma, Bandit loves his Christmas coat!

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