The Boswells

The Boswells

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Tis the Season

So I have come to the conclusion that Christmas is so much better when you have children! Being seven months old, Hudson didn't really know what Christmas was all about. He was more interested in the wrapping paper and the bows than he was about the gifts themselves. And because Hudson came down with the flu on the 23rd, we were able to experience his first Christmas all by ourselves.

We had plans to travel to the lake and spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day there with family. We didn't want to expose Mymama or little Prudence to the flu, so we stayed quarantined at home instead. At first, Tucker and I were bummed. We were really looking forward to spending time with our family over the holidays, especially Tucker. Tucker has been working long hours since Thanksgiving, and he was really looking forward to a little down time.

Being Santa's little helper was rough on Daddy this year. Most nights he didn't even get to see Hudson, due to him already being asleep when he got home. One night, he didn't get home til 10! Looking on the bright side of things, we realized how special it was that we would get to spend this very first Christmas with Hudson alone. We cherished every moment and started, what we hope to be, many new Christmas traditions.

 Merry Christmas from the Boswell's!

 Our little Christmas Eve dinner. 
Thanks to Shug and Big Al for bringing us groceries. This Mama didn't plan on her boy being sick! Lesson learned...we will now be prepared for anything and everything! I'm learning the hard way, friends!

 Hudson getting ready to open his first Christmas present from Santa!

 He was so excited about his Christmas jammies and book "The Auburn Night Before Christmas".

 Getting ready to crawl! 
My heart is full!

He was so into his book. I loved every minute of this! We will do this every year!

 Hudson checking out his loot from Santa!

Love his sweet expressions!

What a sweet and special Christmas, friends! And as always, we remember the true reason for the season, Jesus' birth. Not only do we thank him for giving his life selfishly for ours, but we also thank him for our most precious gift, Hudson. He has filled our hearts with joy and our home with laughter. We couldn't have asked for a better gift this holiday season.

Merry Christmas,


1 comment:

  1. This makes my heart smile! I can't wait to celebrate with Sophie! :)
