The Boswells

The Boswells

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A New Tradition

This year we started something new, and I hope it becomes our new family tradition! We went to Lanett, Alabama to Gilbert's Tree Farm to get our Christmas Tree. Growing up, we always had a real tree. When I got old enough to decorate my own home on Christmas, I always went with a fake tree. In my opinion they are so much easier, especially if you have one that is pre-lit, and they aren't near as messy. My obsessive tendencies makes having a real tree an anxiety ridden experience. However, this year Gilbert himself helped us get a Leland Cyprus, and the best part is, it doesn't shed! It's the perfect compromise. Tucker gets a real tree, and I don't have to spend time stressing about the tree shedding it's needles on the floor.

We took Hudson with us, and he and I picked out the best tree in the field. When we had picked the perfect tree for us, we informed the guys at the tree farm, and they went over and cut it down for us. Our tree is gorgeous, but it is slightly too big. It didn't look near as big in the field as it does now in our living room. We even had to trim the top just a little bit. Going to the Christmas Tree farm to pick out our tree will be a tradition that we will look forward to year after year.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty! I've never heard of these kind of no-shed trees before, but I'm very interested! :)
