The Boswells

The Boswells

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Merry and Bright

Christmas is so much better when you have kiddos! Hudson being 19 months made it even more fun! He understood a little more about Christmas than he did last year. He would say "Santa, Ho, Ho, Ho!" anytime he saw Santa Claus, however, he was not Santa's biggest fan. We attempted sitting in Santa's lap twice this year. He was happy to look at Santa and would even give him a high five, but no way was he sitting in that guy's lap.

December was jammed pack full of festive activities. The weekend after Thanksgiving we went to Gilbert's Tree farm to pick out our Christmas tree. Hudson loved the hay ride and running through the fields of trees. Once again, we picked a tree that was way too big for our living room. Can anyone say, Clark W. Griswald?!?! What can I say? They look much smaller in the field! We also co-hosted a graduation party for Tucker's cousin Katheryn. She graduated from Auburn in just 31/2 years, and she already has a real job! We are so proud of her and her many accomplishments. She is going to do great things! It was also just a good excuse to get the family together to celebrate, something we do really well! 

This year, we also made our yearly trek to Pine Mountain, Georgia to Fantasy in Lights. We bundled up and rode the Jolly Trolley. Hudson loved  it and was in awe of the lights. After each Christmas carol we would sing, he would clap and say "Yay!". Our fellow riders thought he was the cutest thing ever. I had to agree! At the end of the tour, they told us to say "Merry Christmas!", however, Hudson wasn't having any of that...he shouted a big "War Eagle!". His Daddy beamed with pride!

Each year my side of the family gets together at my Grandpa's house. Hudson had a wonderful time visiting with his many beautiful girl cousins. Taylor, Rachel, and Chloe just adore him, and the feeling is mutual. They taught him how to take selfies. I can't tell you how many they took, but they had a great time doing it! 

We also took Hudson to his first Auburn basketball game. Auburn played Xavier, and just my luck, the game went into double overtime! Hudson was such a good sport. He clapped and cheered for his team. He even fussed at them a few times when needed. We are so fortunate to live her in Auburn and have the many opportunities that we do. So far, Hudson has been to a football, baseball, and basketball game, and he's not even two yet!

This Christmas,we hosted Christmas Eve dinner. Shug, Mymama, and Big Al came over to celebrate and help us get ready for Santa. Santa brought Hudson a cozy coupe truck and an activity slide. He got a Pottery Barn anytime chair from his Shug and Big Al. He also got new clothes, New Balance tennis shoes, books, and a wooden train. I'd say he was a good boy this year!

Christmas day we traveled to Wetumpka to visit with Aunt Kathie, Will, and Kate. We enjoyed a delicious lunch and opened more presents! We also got to visit with Emily, Andy, and our favorite girl, Prudence. She and Hudson loved playing with the Christmas ornaments Aunt Kathie used to decorate the staircase. Needless to say, that was a hot area for a while for those two. They also enjoyed rocking in the chairs on the front porch. Whatever Hudson did, Prudence had to do and vice versa. Those two are the best of friends!

Merry Christmas,

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