The Boswells

The Boswells

Monday, March 17, 2014

9 Months

The past 10 months have been the most joyous of my life. I say 10 months, because as of today, I'm officially one month and one day behind. I commend those moms that are able to keep their blogs updated. Unfortunately, I just don't have much free time anymore, but that's alright by me. Being a mom to my sweet boy is the best way to spend my time!

A good friend of mine just recently had baby number two, and it has reminded me about how truly special this time is. I was holding that sweet, precious newborn in my arms remembering that my angel boy was once that tiny. Seriously, where does the time go? I already find myself regretting not savoring every single moment of that precious time. Time I will never get back. Now, more than ever, I'm reminded to slow down and just be. Just be with Hudson. Enjoying his giggles and coos. His whines and cries. His smiles and silly faces. I just want to memorize him and his every move. I want to tuck these sweet memories away, so that one day, when he's too big for kisses and snuggles, I can pull them out and remember when he was my baby.

Nine months was a huge month for my H man. He is now a baby on the move! He started with what I call a military crawl. He was basically using his arms to drag himself from place to place. After about two weeks of that, he started crawling on his hands and knees. There's no stopping him now! He is getting faster and harder to keep up with, and of course, he's into everything!

Hudson has also reached another HUGE milestone. No bottle! We switched him to the the sippy cup, and there was no turning back. He took to it without any problems! I was excited, but sad at the same time. Every milestone he reaches is another reminder that he is growing up.

Hudson can now applaud for himself. He learned to clap this month! It's so much fun to watch him get excited and clap for himself. He also tried many new foods this month. He no longer eats "baby food". He mostly eats right from the table. This month he tried mac n cheese, watermelon, and cheese. So far it seems he's not going to be a picky eater. And if you've seen him lately, you can tell he doesn't miss a meal!

 This boy loves being outside!

 This is the only still shot we were able to get!

 On the move already! I love his silly faces!

This boy has stolen my heart!


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