The Boswells

The Boswells

Thursday, February 13, 2014

8 Months

Hudson turned 8 months on January 16th. He's a little less than a week away from being 9 months old. As desperately as I try to stay on top of this blog, I seem to always fall behind. Do I get credit for at least trying???

Hudson had a big month! At 8 months old, he helped his cousin Prudence celebrate her first birthday party. Prudence's grandmother, Amanda, gave Hudson his first taste of cake and ice cream. He loved it! Along with cake and ice cream, he also tried peas, mashed potatoes, applesauce, and fed himself puffs! Peas were not his immediate favorite, but he will now tolerate them, meaning he doesn't gag and spit them back out. Applesauce is by far his favorite. He would be happy eating sweet potatoes and applesauce everyday!

Prudence giving Hudson some love!

Hudson reached another milestone this month, one that made this mama very weepy. He moved out of the infant room into the next baby room at day care. New teachers, new room, anxiety ridden mama. Hudson transitioned just fine, I on the other hand, did not. I'm a creature of habit and don't care much for change and while his new teacher is sweet, she is very young. I hesitate to even say anything about age, because I was once a fresh faced, bright eyed, 22 year old first year teacher. (I know. Hard to believe.) I know there were probably many a parent unsure about entrusting their child to me. I try to keep that in mind everyday. It's getting a little bit better...

Hudson was also able to help his great Grandpa celebrate his 80th birthday! Not many kiddos can brag that their great grandfather can still do cannonballs off of the diving board, but Hudson can! He also got to meet lots of cousins, aunts, and uncles. He sure is a lucky little boy to be loved by so many!

Hudson with his great-grandfather, Bob.

It's hard to believe Hudson will be 9 months in a few days. This first year is flying by us quickly. I'm already beginning to plan his first birthday day party. It's almost more than I can handle, so therefore, I'm soaking up every minute of this snow day with my little guy!

Best 8 months of my life!


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