The Boswells

The Boswells

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Rainy Days & Rainy Nights

There's an eighty percent chance of rain today and a fifty percent chance of rain tomorrow. I don't remember another summer when there has been so much rain fall. The sun peeks out every now and then giving me some chance of hope for a sunny day. My grandmother always said "This is a day the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it." While I do enjoy the occasional rainy day, and I'm so glad we are not in a drought, I would like to have at least one sunny day soon.

It's been a while since I've blogged so I have a lot to cover. For the fourth of July, we went to the lake. We went up Thursday morning and left Friday afternoon. When the fourth falls on a Thursday, Tucker doesn't get the following Friday off. Friday morning he got up early to head back to work. Hudson and I stayed and met Tucker at home later that afternoon.

The lake was fun despite the rain. It definitely didn't feel like July in Alabama. The weather was nice and cool. Unfortunately, there was no swimming, skiing, or floating in the lake. No fireworks...bummer. I had planned to let Hudson dip his toes in the lake for the first time, but the weather was too cool. Maybe at our next visit he can get his little piggies wet.

 Happy Fourth of July from the Fuller's and Boswell's!

 Me and my sweet boy!

We were all very excited that Will came to visit us all the way from California. Will got to meet Prudence and  Hudson for the first time. He had his hands full at times, that's for sure! We only wish Uncle Will could have stayed longer!

 Looking a wee bit nervous.

 Will and Emily

 Shug enjoying some back porch sittin' with PR.

 Pru really wanted to know what that fuzz was on Uncle Will's face.

 Pru with her Aunt Kathie.

Bandit had the most fun of all of us. Tucker and his dad installed an electric dog fence that allowed Bandit to run free. He learned very quickly where the boundary line was. It was hard for me to watch, but I knew it would be the best thing for him in the long run. I was right! He loved being able to run and play outside. He spotted some chipmunks and spent the day trying to catch them. They outsmarted him at every turn.

 This is how Bandit looked after a long day of chipmunk hunting. Bless him!

 Hudson and Prudence had matching onesies. It's the first of many!

 Prudence with her Aunt Manda.

 Look at that bikini! Too cute!

Love this chickadee!


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