The Boswells

The Boswells

Friday, July 19, 2013

Two Months

What a difference a month makes! Hudson has changed so much already in such a short amount of time. The time has flown by, which makes me sad. It's a reminder to live in the present and enjoy every precious moment with my sweet boy. We have enjoyed the slow easy days of summer, but life is about to get busy again in just a few short weeks.

This week I had to go back to work for two days of workshops. During this time Hudson went to daycare. It was his very first visit, and a good trial run for all of us. Of course, Hudson and Daddy did just fine. Tucker had to go back to work the week after Hudson was born, so he's used to having to leave him. I, on the other hand, did not do so well. Tucker doesn't have to be at work as early as I do, so he will drop Hudson off at daycare, and I will pick him up. On Tuesday, I called Tucker on the way to daycare, and I text  messaged him before he even had a chance to get there. Miss Deanna said I could call as many times as I wanted, but I tried very hard all day not to. I don't want to be "that mom". Sadly, I have already become "that mom", and there is no turning back.

Hudson's first day of daycare.

Hudson was an angel both days at daycare. His teachers just bragged about him saying what a good baby he was. Of course, I already knew that. :) He will start daycare full time in August. Until then, this Momma is soaking up every minute with this little guy. 

Hudson also had his 2 month check up this week. He got a great report from Dr. Johnson! He weighs 12 pounds 11 ounces and is 23.5 inches long. He's in the 50-75% range for weight and the 75% range for height. I'm so proud of my little guy. He also had to get 5 vaccinations. One was oral, and the others were shots. My poor baby had to have two shots in each leg. I thought it would be easier this time, but I've learned it never gets easier watching your child in pain. Needless to say, Hudson and I both cried. It's pretty sad when the pediatric nurse has to console the parent. I'm also pretty sure I'm not the first mommy she's had to console. 

I was concerned Hudson might have some adverse reactions to his shots, like fever and irritability. Thank goodness, I sent Tucker to get some children's Tylenol the night before. When we got home from the doctor Hudson was napping. When he awoke, he was pitiful. It's funny how I can tell the difference in his cries. This cry was a whiny, fussy cry. I went ahead and gave him the Tylenol. He slept on and off most of the afternoon.

 Before shots.

After shots.

I held and snuggled this boy all afternoon. After a good night's rest, he's all smiles this morning!

At two months old, Hudson is eating 6 ounces of formula every 3 hours. He has also started sleeping through the night. Last week, he slept through the night twice, and this week he slept through the night three times. We hope this trend continues. Maybe in the next two weeks, Hudson will be ready to sleep in his crib upstairs in his room. He is such a happy baby! He's the happiest in the morning. I'm not sure where he gets that from, because neither Tucker or I are morning people. Hudson loves to listen to me sing songs. He likes, "If You're Happy and You Know It", and "Patty Cake" the best. He also likes it when we make funny noises with our mouths. He also loves to listen to Mommy and Daddy read him lots of books. 

We just love this little guy to a million little pieces! We can't get enough of him!


1 comment:

  1. That was a fast two months! He is just precious. The sleep trend will continue! Even if you have a few 'set-backs' here and there from teething, overall he will keep sleeping longer and longer. Good job on daycare, Mama ;) (That gets easier too)
