The Boswells

The Boswells

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I've been blessed to not have been sick for about two years. Occasionally, I would catch a cold or have a bit of a sore throat but nothing that would constitute actually visiting a doctor. My two year winning streak ended abruptly Sunday afternoon!

Tucker and I were looking at houses with Phyllis and Al (so excited they will be closer in just a few years!) when my illness began to rear it's ugly head. I've had many a throat infection/strep throat, so sadly I know the symptoms well. Sunday morning I awoke with a sore throat. I thought nothing of it, of course. I made it throughout most of the day until mid house hunting I felt a fever coming on. I was cold, had body aches, and my throat was killing me. I would have rather spit in a cup than swallow. I know, that's gross, but its honestly how I felt.

Upon returning home, I checked my temp. Just as I suspected, I was running a low grade temp and it was rising. Off to the Urgent Care we went abruptly ending our beautiful day. Thank goodness I did not have strep. Instead, it was just a bacterial throat infection. Nothing a day off of work, Tylenol, and some antibiotics can't cure.

How did I get this pesky bacteria??? It could have been several things. Last week, a child sneezed right in my face. Never in 5 years has that happened! I literally needed Germ-X for my face. Or it could have been something I picked up at the game. We certainly played bad enough for me to feel sick! Ha! I personally think it was the sneeze to the face that did it!

Wait, there is a happy ending! I'm feeling much better today. I was even able to head off to school this morning! Nothing makes me feel better than seeing 17 sweet little faces. They made my day by writing the most precious "Get Well Soon" cards. Let's hope for a healthy rest of the year.


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