The Boswells

The Boswells

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Short and Sweet

This blog post is going to be brief unfortunately. My life is just too hectic right now to really concentrate on blogging. Many of you are wondering how comps.went. I feel it went very well! I used three of the four hours alotted, and I took my time. I also filled up two entire blue books, and I write front and back! I left feeling relieved.I should know something in a few weeks! Cross your fingers and PRAY!!!

After comps.I rushed to the Auburn game against Mississippi State. I'm so glad that we had a better game. Mississippi State is a good team. I'll be rooting for them tomorrow night against LSU. Go State!!!Tucker and I are making the voyage to Clemson this weekend. It will be a quick trip, and one I won't be able to enjoy as much as I would like. I'll once again be working on a mound of school work!

Fortunately, this is the last week I'll have this much work. My professor informed us tonight that we would be finishing a week earlier (that's the good news),but all of our assignments that we were supposed to have two weeks to complete have to be ready by next Wednesday (that's the bad news). Looking at the glass half full, I say I would rather have one week from H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS and have a week off!!! So, you won't be hearing from me until after next Wednesday, but at least you know what I'll be doing! Please pray for me and wish me lots of luck!!!

Have a great week and weekend!


1 comment:

  1. You'll be fabulous! Hopefully we'll see each other this weekend at the game! :) Good luck and you'll do perfect as always! War Eagle!
