The Boswells

The Boswells

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

See What Happened Was...

Tucker and I attended John & Lacy's wedding October 14th. They were getting married in Fairhope, so we decided it would be a good idea to turn a wedding weekend into a beach weekend as well. Tucker was one of John's groomsmen and had to be at the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner on Friday night. I had plans to attend and really wanted to, but I had just had one of those weeks. I had a migraine that lasted 3 days, and on Thursday night I was so sick to my stomach. I just felt horrible all week. I worked a half day on Friday, but I should have just taken the whole day off. After feeling like crud all week, attending school on Fall Festival day and the 3rd grade violin performance was a bad idea. (On another note, you know that sound your straw makes when you slide it up and down inside the lid...that's what it sounds like when 3rd graders play the violin.)

Of course, my sub was late, making us late leaving. This in turn made Tucker late for the rehearsal. If he had had to wait on me to get ready, he would have been even later. I was bummed I missed the rehearsal and seeing our sweet friends, but it was more important for Tucker to be there. On the plus side, I did get to spend some time with our family. Shug, Big Al, Emily, Andy, and Pru joined us for our trip!

Saturday morning, Tucker had to get up and head back to Fairhope for groomsman duties and pictures. Meanwhile, I was up early buying face wash, moisturizer, and make-up. In my haste to get us to the beach, I forgot to back nearly all of my essentials. I'm just thankful I remembered my undergarments! Ha! I even forgot to pack clothes for Hudson! Total mom fail! So before leaving for the wedding, Phyllis and I had to find a boutique that sold baby clothes, so Hudson could have something nice to wear for the wedding and for our family pictures on Sunday. Did I mention all of this was happening the weekend of the Shrimp Festival? Traffic was terrible.

We finally made it to the church where the wedding was to take place. It was gorgeous by the way. It had huge, almost floor to ceiling windows on each side of the church. The ceiling on the inside had the most beautiful wooden beams. Rose petals were already sprinkled down the aisle.

I fed and changed Hudson into his wedding outfit in the car. His stomach had been upset the previous few days, so I was crossing my fingers that he would wait till after the wedding to have his blowout. Things were going well. The groomsman started to walk the grandmothers and mothers down the aisle. Then the wedding party made their way down the aisle. Then, IT happened, and the whole church knew what IT was. I could tell by the sound of it that it was in fact, a blowout. I pretty sure even the videographer got that on camera.

As the beautiful bride was minutes away from walking down the aisle, I was rushing out with Hudson. In fact, I passed Lacy on my way out of the church doors. Talk about embarrassed! I didn't even have time to say hello, because poop was slowly but surely creeping up and out the back of Hudson's diaper. Then I had to find a place to change him. The car was parked right in front of one of the huge windows at the side of the church. If I changed him there, the whole church would know what was going on. The last thing I wanted to do was take away from John and Lacy's special day. Then I realized I didn't even have the diaper bag; Big Al did! I looked behind me, and there he was! Thank goodness!

We were able to find a somewhat flat and grassy area. We laid Hudson down and did the best we could to clean him up. Hudson's cute outfit, that we had just bought, was covered in poop. Thankfully, we did buy two outfits. We put the outfit he was supposed to wear the next day for pictures on him. Big Al and I were cleaning up the mess, when I realized I didn't have any more poop bags! Another total mom fail! Big Al had to hike in the woods and leave our mess. I know, what kind of people are we?!?! Needless to say,by the time we had taken care of all of that, the wedding was over. We had missed the whole thing!

Big Al and I were sweating profusely. We just wanted to get to the reception. On the way there, just when we thought Hudson was done, he struck again. Thank the Lord, this poop was contained. At the reception, we were able to show off our sweet and see some friends we haven"t seen in quite some time. We enjoyed delicious food, a much needed adult beverage, and super fun dancing. It was one of the most fun receptions that I have ever attended.

I didn't get to speak to the bride and groom that night, so here's my message for John and Lacy...

Lacy your dress was gorgeous and your were absolutely stunning. Your groom didn't look too shabby either :) Tucker, Hudson, and I wish you both many years of love and happiness. We can't wait to catch up with ya'll soon!


1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious, but I'm sorry you missed the wedding! Seems like they know when it's a special occasion and a new outfit, huh?!
