The Boswells

The Boswells

Monday, November 2, 2015


Hudson absolutely loved Halloween this year! Last year, he was still too young to trick or treat, and he wasn't quiet old enough to eat candy. Fast forward to this year, and he was ready! Our little ninja turtle had a blast, and even got to have twice the fun, because he got to trick or treat twice!

The weekend before Halloween, we carved our pumpkins. Tucker spent the morning with us to help, and then he headed back to Birmingham to stay with Davis. I say WE carved pumpkins, but it was really mostly Tucker. Hudson wasn't really interested. He didn't even want to touch the pumpkin guts and seeds. Tucker and I were calling it pumpkin guts. Hudson couldn't say it right, so it came out "pumpkin butts". We couldn't help but giggle each time he said it. Needless to say, Hudson and I played while Daddy did all the hard work. I did help him clean out the "pumpkin butts" though!

 Pumpkin carving fun and the finished product!
Tucker did an excellent job!

The city of Auburn did their trick or treating on Thursday night this year. Auburn High had a game on Friday night, and Auburn University played Ole Miss at home on Saturday. It broke my heart to miss Hudson's first real trick or treat experience, but I was holding down the fort with Davis. Daddy and Shug did a great job of getting him ready for his Halloween party at daycare and for trick or treating that night. He had so much fun that he didn't want it to end! Tucker sent me a video at the end of the night of him at the door crying, begging to trick or treat more. 


 Ready to get some candy!

Checking out his loot!

Children's Hospital held all of their festivities on Friday. Davis can't leave the unit without a team of people, and the machine that makes his Berlin function weighs about 250 pounds and has a battery life of about an hour. Due to this, he wasn't able to take part in the Halloween festivities, but that didn't stop us from celebrating! He dressed up like the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz. It was the perfect costume for him, because like the Tin Man, Davis also needs a heart. 

 This little Tin Man needs a heart!

Saturday morning, Tucker and Hudson headed to Birmingham. Hudson was able to spend some time with his little brother, and we had an opportunity to spend time together as a family, something that rarely happens these days. 

 My heart swells seeing these cuties  together!

These are the moments that help us to persevere in this wait.

Later that night, Hudson got to trick or treat again with his cousin Prudence. It was cool and rainy, but they didn't care. And neither did I. I was so thankful to have the opportunity to spend time with my biggest making memories. We are looking forward to taking both of our boys trick or treating next year!



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