The Boswells

The Boswells

Saturday, February 14, 2015

First Haircut

About a month ago, Tucker and I took Hudson to get his first haircut. Tucker and I had been discussing it for over a month, and I have to admit I was not ready. A discussion was one thing, but acting on it was another. So one Saturday morning last month, Tucker announced that he was getting his haircut, and he was taking Hudson to get one with him. It all happened so fast, I had little time to protest.

Tucker and I hadn't even agreed on where we would take him. My choice was to go to the beauty shop where I get my hair done. Of course, Tucker was having none of that. He wanted Hudson to get his hair cut at a barber shop. Being that Tucker would be the one taking him more often, I sided with Tucker on this one. Hudson had his first haircut at University Barber Shop on South College Street. The same place his daddy gets his hair cut:)

He did pretty good considering it was his first time. He wouldn't sit in the chair by himself, so he sat in Tucker's lap. He wasn't crazy about the sweet lady cutting his hair, and he certainly didn't like her touching him,so we had to distract him with Elmo on my phone. We had a few hiccups, and he didn't get enough taken off the top, but it was done. Finally. And believe it or not, I didn't cry...then.

Before and After

It hit me as we were walking down to Toomer's. My baby looked so much like a little boy with his new big boy haircut. The tears hit and didn't stop till we were nearly home. This was a big milestone, and one where I felt like I didn't have much time to prepare myself emotionally. But in all honesty, if Tucker had not surprised me with it, I don't think I would have ever been ready. It truly needed to be done, and it looks so much better now.


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