The Boswells

The Boswells

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hudson's Dedication

On Sunday, September 15, 2013 we dedicated our precious boy to the Lord. This was such a special time for us as Hudson's parents. Tucker and I did not have this ceremony just for the tradition of doing it. This decision was taken very seriously. We both knew we wanted Hudson raised in a Christian home, and we both want to be examples of what a Godly man and woman should be. I know we won't always exhibit Godly qualities 100% of the time, but I think it makes God happy to know that we are striving daily to be more like him and that we are teaching Hudson all about him.

Hudson and I have conversations all the time about God. I tell him how God made him and how He chose Tucker and I to be his parents. I tell him how blessed we are to have received such a gift from God. Most importantly, I tell Hudson about God's love for him. I read him Bible stories, and we sing lots of songs. I think his favorite is "He's Still Working on Me". I know he doesn't understand much of what I'm saying, but I think it's important to set a strong foundation, because soon enough, he will be able to understand.

We couldn't get him to be still long enough to get his picture!

 Hudson with his grandparents, Shug and Big Al.

 We were thrilled that our family could celebrate with us.

Hudson with his Mymama

The dedication ceremony was wonderful. At our church, First United Methodist in Opelika, the pastor takes the baby up and down the aisles of the church while the congregation sings a song written especially for the baby. I always cry during the dedication services, because they are so sweet. This day was no exception. As my tears were overflowing, so was the joy inside my heart. Tucker and I love our church home, and we are blessed with a wonderful church family. We know Hudson will be loved by many there. 


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