The Boswells

The Boswells

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Gumbo with the Conerly's

I have to give a huge thanks to my friend, Virginia and her husband Andy! They invited us to her house last night to watch the LSU vs. Alabama game. If you couldn't tell from the title of this post, we were all rooting for LSU. For those of you who are confused, gumbo is a Louisiana dish. It was delicious! Tucker liked it so much, he spilled some on his shirt to take home later! Ha! We had a wonderful time meeting new people and stuffing our faces on all the goodies! Virginia made a Snickers pie that was to die for!I must get the recipe!

Virginia and I

At halftime, we left and headed over to Reese and Jenifer's house. There we stuffed our faces even more. Jenifer made sausage, cheese, and pepperoncini skewers that you dipped in BBQ sauce. Needless to say, the diet starts back tomorrow! It was a nail biting game, but we were thrilled when LSU came out on top! (Don't be mad, Grandpa!!! I Love You!!!) Then we headed to Toomer's Corner to roll the trees!

This week is a four day week for me! We are taking students to the Good Behavior Movie on Thursday to see "Puss in Boots"! Sadly, I'm leaving 7 bad behaved friends at school. That's the most I have ever left behind. I'm hoping they improve, so they can join us for the movie next semester! Then on Friday we are Georgia bound! I'm so excited!!! I have never been to Athens, but I have heard it's a blast! I'll have all day Friday to prepare for the fun weekend!

Have a fabulous week!


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