The Boswells

The Boswells

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

I love long weekends!!! We especially needed this one. I was exhausted and down to the end of my rope. It has been nice to kick back and relax. This weekend I came to the realization that I need to trust God.I know that sounds silly, because that's something we all know we should do. There is a difference between knowing you should and actually doing it though. I have had many changes in my life in a very short among of time. Many of these changes were exciting, and some just down right depressing. I know God has a purpose and plan for my life, and I need to quit worrying, complaining, and stressing,and just trust him.

I received a card in the mail from my Aunt Nellie, and it had this scripture that really spoke to my heart "The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart." Psalm 34:18. Losing my grandmother was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do,but I know that God is guiding me through this time. I also know that my grandmother is up in heaven with him watching down over all of us. Another verse that really spoke to me this weekend was Jeremiah  29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Even though teaching 5th grade was not my plan, it was God's plan. He placed me there for a reason, and I just have to trust his judgement. My goal is to be more positive. I know it's going to get better!

Tucker and I went to the Auburn vs. Utah State game this weekend! We were both shocked at how horribly we played, but a win is a win! It's obvious we have a lot of work to do if we plan on winning many games this season. I'm really worried about Mississippi State! Sadly, I'll be taking my comprehensive exams next Saturday in Phenix City. I'm so ready to get it over with. I have been stressing about it for the past week now! Tucker and my grandpa could not believe that they would schedule the exam during a football game! Ha! I guess Troy doesn't care that much about Auburn football! I'm hoping I can still catch the end of the game. We had so much fun Saturday. I didn't enjoy the band video or the football highlight reel as much as last year. Normally the band video brings a tear to my eye. That did not happen this time! Our seats this year are great, and it wasn't too terribly hot. A nice breeze was blowing, and the sun went behind the clouds a few time creating shade.

Tucker and I are enjoying our rainy Labor Day together curled up on the couch! I hope you are enjoying yours!


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